
Harsh Wardhan Singh

Artificial Intelligence Engineer | Radar Engineering
Computerized Tomography Algorithm Developer
Machine Learning | Deep Learning |Research and Development


Computerized Tomography

Blob based Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for 3-D Computerized Tomography

Computerized Tomography Image Processing

An Algorithm to reconstruct the 3-D Flow Rate profile in a channel and used in Tomography based Ultrasound Flowmeter.

Teachable Machine

Algebraic Reconstruction Technique and Filterback projection method for 2-D Computerized Tomography

Computerized Tomography Image Processing

Implementation and comparision.

Deep learning and Machine Learning: Blogs and Projects

Deep learning and Machine Learning: Blogs and Mini projects

Blog Deep Learning

Various blogs and Mini Projects on AI, DL and CV .

Detection and Classification of nodules in Lung CT

Detection and Classification of nodules in Lung CT

Deep Learning Computer Vision

Resnet, GBM based model that detect and classify the cancerous nodules in Lung CT scan.

Data Science Bootcamp

Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp

Blog AI

to help others get started to the field of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning

Radar Intelligence

Radar Intelligence

Deep Learning Radar

Blogs and Projects related to Radar Technology


Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Vyomastra Technologies, Bengaluru

Former Artificial Intelligence Intern, Sandlogic Technologies, Bengaluru

Indian institude of technology Kanpur Graduated (M.Tech)
